The past week has been crazy, hasn’t it? I’ll be honest, when I first scheduled this “Crumbs” chat on my calendar life looked nothing like it does right now. Toilet paper wasn’t scarce, Zach and I (and everyone else) could still go out to eat at any restaurant we wanted whenever we wanted, and school was still in session. Jobs weren’t on the line, or gone.
I went back and forth about whether I should even publish this post or just cancel it, but with all the social distancing currently going on right now, maybe it’s not such a bad idea to pause and connect a little bit. Safely, through our computer screens. And if you are strictly here for the recipes, no worries, you can check out my double chocolate chip cookies. I just published a new video for them today.
Barring current events (we’ll touch on those in a minute), life here has been pretty sweet. Luke will be 4 months old tomorrow and it both feels like he’s been here forever and like it’s barely been seconds since he was born.
Watching him grow is the best, and as cliche as it sounds I feel so heart-burstingly grateful and blessed to be his mom! I’m obsessed with this kid and his silly sense of humor. He laughs a lot, sleeps well through the night (I’ve heard sleep regression is a thing so I’m just grateful while it lasts) and is just a joy.
Also, does his hair look red in that photo up there? Some days it’s unmistakably blonde and other days it looks a little red! Strawberry blonde? Whatever color it is I love his baby hair!
With everything that’s been happening in the world I’ve actually been busier than ever.
Lots of people are looking for recipes right now, and basics like my homemade biscuits and homemade pizza dough are popular. While I’d planned most of my recipes for the next few weeks in advance, I’m trying to shift gears now and share more of the types of recipes that people are looking for. I have a pantry-friendly cake recipe coming up later this week and am putting the final touches on a sandwich bread recipe! Tell me, what would you like to see?
I’m also planning more baking competitions in my Facebook group. Last week we did a bake-off with a $100 Amazon gift card prize and I’d like to do more of those in the future, it was fun seeing what everyone baked and makes for a nice distraction!
Self-isolating, are you doing it? You should be (if you can, I’m very grateful for all of those who have to be on the front line!).
Zach and I work from home already so that hasn’t changed for us and we don’t plan on going out at all until we run out of food. My sister is also staying with us and self-isolating here. Her fiance is a police officer at high risk of being exposed to the virus himself, so before everything began she checked into our house and is camped out here until everything finally blows over. She’s been a great help with Luke (she can get him to nap so easily while I would struggle with him for hours) as I work on perfecting new recipes for the blog.
I don’t have to tell you that life is definitely stressful right now. I’m resolving to read less news and more fiction, though somehow they are seeming more and more alike recently. Currently accepting any recommendations for good books, good movies, fun multi-player video games or good Netflix series (ones that aren’t depressing!) to get us through this time.
What are you doing to keep your sanity and remain calm right now?
Stay safe, stay home (if you can), and wash your hands! 💜
Hi Sam,
I just discovered your blog. I made the bbq chicken in the slow cooker tonight and it was amazing. I can’t wait to make your peach cobbler. Your little boy is adorable. I just became a grandma and finally got to hold my grandson during this nightmare.
Thank you so much Sharon! I am so glad you have enjoyed all of the recipes. Little Luke is such a blessing. Congratulations on becoming a grandma. That is very exciting. Happy baking. ๐
You are a cutie pie Luke!
I love your videos/recipes! too many to list. . (My grandchildren also love you for the Worst Chocolate Chip Cookies)
It’s So fun being able to follow a recipe so easily with fantastic are great for my ego!
I wonder if you would demonstrate the proper way to weigh the flour?
Also, What scale should I buy?
Thank you
Sugar Spun Run
Thank you so much, Donna! I am so glad that you have enjoyed my blog and that your grandchildren have enjoyed the cookies. I recently published a post on “How to Properly Measure Flour” which includes a video that you can watch. I hope that you find it helpful. Thanks again! ๐
Caryl Cammer
Oh how time flies…seems like yesterday I saw the first pics! We have discovered the Game Show network. The trivia brain teasers are helping to keep us feeling challenged and the trips to the fridge have kept us active! LOL. Laundry is in the basement and has become the trip of choice to see if the legs still work. Hope it ends soon and the old normal can come back! Appreciate all you are doing!
Sugar Spun Run
Thank you so much for the recommendations and kind words, Caryl! I hope that you and your family stay healthy. ๐
I was looking for a good biscuits recipe a few months ago and became addicted to your site. Thanks so much for the great recipes you share. Your baby is adorable! Enjoy the naps he takes, my kids are older and keeping them occupied now that there’s no school is really challanging.
I get what you said about news and fiction, I am currently rereading Gone with the Wind and the depiction of Atlanta during the Civil War is somewhat reminicent of the state we’re in or more accurately of what we are afraid might happen.
Even though, reading books is a great form of escape.
Sugar Spun Run
Thank you so much, Yasmin! I appreciate you sharing what you are reading and for the kind words. ๐
Hi Sam!
I’m still very much a novice but I really love your pizza dough recipe. I realized this week that it’s something I can easily make and store and same with many of the toppings so I think for me those are some recipes I’d request if you can, Things I can Store.
You mentioned you like fiction, anything in particular? Fantasy, Sci-fi, Mystery, Horror…?
Best wishes and health to you and yours~
~ Amanda
Thanks for the request, Amanda, and I’m so glad you have been enjoying the pizza dough! ๐ I do love Fantasy and mystery! ๐
Kathy Taylor
What a sweet pea! My baby is now 37! Gosh Imiss ’em when they were young! But blessed by them everyday. Enjoy the many year’s of love ahead. Your recipe’s are getting me thru, Stay Safe, GOD BLESS
Sugar Spun Run
Thank you so much, I appreciate it! I hope that you stay safe as well. ๐
Karen Dixon
P.S. I forgot to mention a favorite reading material ..Victoria magazines.. they are the most beautiful ever.. you will escape to idyllic places of beauty! ๐๐ฐ๐๐ธ
Sugar Spun Run
Thanks so much for sharing. I will be sure to check it out! Thanks! ๐
Hi! Sam,
Really enjoy your. Love to meet lucky Luke here! Do add one for the whole family with Zach!
Stay healthy. We need you!
Thank you, Ben! I appreciate you following along with the blog! ๐
Ricki HM
Oh my for goodness sake! Luke is the most handsome, beautiful baby boy! AND you’re still glowing too! Thank you for all the recipes! I’m a good “cook”, but there is a discipline to baking that I always struggled with (you can’t “pinch here” and “dash of” there), but your recipes are easy to follow with great results! I enjoy the results of my baking now! Thank you especially for the tips about “how to measure flour”! The simplicity of an accurate measure.., makes a really big difference!
Thank you, Ricki! I definitely agree with you about Luke ๐
I’m so glad you have been enjoying the recipes and posts, I really appreciate you following along! ๐
He is tooooo cute!
Sugar Spun Run
Thank you so much! ๐
Liz Garrett
Sam, your blog is helpful and very much appreciated, now and always. Just wanted you to know. Thank you. Keep enjoying that adorable baby! –Liz
Thank you so much, Liz! I really appreciate you following along, it means a lot to me! <3
Thank you so much for your post…..your baby is DARLING!!! I was just hoping recently that you might share a picture of him. Love your recipes and will probably be making many more things in the month ahead. Stay well! ๐
Thank you so much, Joanna! You stay well, too! <3